The point of no return….

Photo by Allan Carvalho on

All I have is the road ahead of me. The road behind is only an echo of a time that used to be the present.

I know a dirt nap is at the end of it so I know between now and then I better make the most of my life. In the very least I should play the game properly.

Yeah. Today I find myself introspective about choices that I make and the habits I want to create and old habits I want to take up again.

Old habit is creating more music and art. New habit is to slowly but surely become a weekly investor.

I don’t fear death. I never have.. I am afraid of wasting time doing things that have no meaning to me or add nothing positive to me or anyone else. There’s more then enough bullshit in life I see no point and have no desire to comsume more then my fair share or produce anything more to add to the shit hill.

Still. I find myself wasting time. A thing I hate the most. A thing I fear the most. So…I have but one way to go. I am at a point of no return. I have to push onward.

I’ll put some headphones on my head close my eyes to distractions and just keep walking listening to some self imposed affirmations….

I am an investor….in financial growth and a investor in my own art and self worth…..

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

The inspiration for this post…

Warm Regards


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